Thursday, January 20, 2011

EOC: Week 2 What i think about lawyers

            What I think about lawyers

            Today I am speaking about how I feel about lawyers, not having many experiences with them my feeling happen to be limited. From what I have experienced from the encounters that I have had relating to a car accident in which I was injured but a wreck-less driver when I was struck from behind. Is that my lawyer has worked hard to obtain information to get me the compensation I deserve not only has he made sure that all my medical expenses were taken care of but that I am available when new information is given. I say this information no to toot his horn because we all know that the is receiving compensation from my clam as well a whopping 33.3% yes that right one third of the settlement he will get. Which is a well worthy amount considering what work is required to be accomplished on my behalf. I can say during this process I haven’t been the most helpful chasing jobs also finishing up my plans to open this boutique. Life has been busy they hectic but my lawyer has been there for me every step of the way. 

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