Thursday, February 17, 2011

EOC: 6 Illicit

Intellectual property theft is a big issue  with in the world today. with the up coming rise of new technology   criminals across the world are finding ways to pirate movies music which industries loose billions of dollars annually with me being in fashion this scars me for my future and for my dreams. there are so many clothing that are being sold today that we as consumers cant tell if they are real, even from stores we trust in. the FBI website posted this information on the matter. "But it’s not about picking a pocket or holding up a bank. It's robbing people of their ideas, inventions, and creative expressions—what’s called intellectual property—everything from trade secrets and proprietary products and parts to movies and music and software." Http:// a quote by bill gates even says more about the subject. My key messages about the future--that everybody will be connected, and that computers will see listen and learn--have all been said before by other people.”- Bill Gates, The Road Ahead.

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