Thursday, March 24, 2011

Rule Of Law

Christopher Hall
Class BUS250H Contracts, Negotiations and copyrights
Lawyer: Donald L Prunty

The most of the information that I received about my questions I wrote and asked pertained to copyright laws. Because majority of the fashion industry has been around for centuries patents are harder to obtain. When it came to trademarks those are the names and logos that are attached to a specific line or fabric company.  As I went through the book Patent, Copyright & Trademark 11th edition, to gain a concise summary o were Donald L. Prunty was giving information from on who owns the copyright and how it s created. “A creative work is protected by copyright the moment the work assumes a tangible form” – “ which in copyright circles is referred to as “ “fixed in tangible medium of expression.” Referring this information bask to the answers that I received gave me the conformation of the answers I previously was given. The next question pertained to use of copyrights with out permission. “ Some uses of a copyrighted work are considered fair use- that is, the use may infringe, but the infringement is excused because the work is being used for a transformative purpose such as research, scholarship, criticism, or journalism.” Again very similar to the answers that I received over the phone. Another key point that we went over was on copyright laws being regulated in other countries. “ in the united stated, copyright protection protects derives from the U.S constitution, which requires that original work of authorship be protected by copyright.”  “copy right protection rules are fairly similar worldwide, due to several internal copyright treaties, the most of which is the Berne Convention.” So in the end every bit of non-legal advice that I received from Donald L Prunty was in alignment with the information that has been given to me throughout the course.

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