Thursday, March 3, 2011

BOC week 8: Progress on contacting a lawyer

Although i had a lawyer in mind, I considered testing the market and finding a lawyer that truly practices intellectual property law. After contacting a few lawyers this week in hope to set up meetings and get this project done and to gain some useful information for my dreams as a fashion designer. i have yet to have had a meeting, my goals are set now to have a meeting over the phone or to simply email a lawyer my questions and an explanation on what i am doing and why. the web hasn't been much help just with the finding of smiling faces on there pages but not having the same personality when it comes to being bothered by a striving artist. Its a wounder that we as people actually pay to use these people. but with hopes high and my grade on the line ill continue on to find that one lawyer that actually remembers what it was like when they were in my shoes. 

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