Thursday, March 24, 2011

My Argument

Christopher Hall
Class BUS250H Contracts, Negotiations and copyrights
Lawyer: Donald L Prunty

After sitting thought this course for ten weeks and trying to have a better understanding of what copyright patent and trademark laws persisted of and contained. Then speaking with an attorney about ways that this pertained to my industry in fashion. I would have to say not only to I agree with his ruling because of the information was so true to the book and course content for instance a question about using a designers work to gather information or inspiration to do a piece of work of your own is it legal and may I do it? Speaking with Donald L. Prunty it depended on a few key thoughts one what would the work being created us going to be used for? Second it depended on if the work that you were using recourse was protected and how was it protected.  “ Some uses of copyrighted work are considered fair use- that is the use may be infringed, but the infringement is excused because the work is being used for a transformative purpose such as research, scholarships, criticism, or journalism purposes.”   After reading this information I couldn’t help but agree with the ruling in question. In order to be sewed for infringement of copyright laws the accuser has to prove access  “ that the work was copied, sold, or performed without authorization, the copyright owner must demonstrate that the person accused of infringement had reasonable opportunity to view to hear the copyrighted work and that the two works-the infringer’s and copyright owner’s –are substantially similar. “ the reasoning for the answers that I received is evident in the book, I must say because the information was for educational purposes that trusting the lawyer was a tiny bit more easy . Now if this way a case that he was on I am totally sure that the information would be a lot more complex.

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