Thursday, March 10, 2011

Eoc week 9 letters of promotion

The four letters that i choose were Photo, Model, Label or logo and a made up a general release form for the rest. the reason that i choose these four types were because in the fashion industry if your not writing these releases your receiving them in order to make sure that what needs to be done is done. Needing to be familiar with theses documents is an understatement. it is my plan in the near future tho be receiving many of these from prospect companies that desire a new flare in styling and design or merchandizing and marketing. after writing these out after looking at other samples on line it made being a designer more complex. i thought that it was just drawing and sewing, but there is a business side to everything and it must be done if you desire to be successful and not taken to court. keeping things that you create something  protected, valuable and desired is what these letters show me that as long as i have the letters and selectively give them out so that only the ones that deserve them is able to use my information and or designs that i and in control of were i am able to go in life.

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